Sports Kalaripayattu
Owning a legacy of more than 3000 years, Kalaripayattu was used both in warfare & Marma chikilsa for well-being of subjects. Later Kalaripayattu transformed in various formats of: Arts, Sports, Self defense and Marmmachikilsa promoting it’s glory & gradually phased international standards. Presently Kalaripayattu is used as a benchmark of skill development & accentuated as a ‘Sport activity’ in State, National & International level with no compromise in its traditional legacy.
Health is the greatest wealth and asset for you. With out good health and strength you cannot achieve success in life and God-realisation. Without good health you cannot enjoy life. Good health comes from following definite rules. Those who ignore the causes of health suffer much and meet death.
What is the precous of thing that makes life worth living? It is health. Will you sing today the song of “SARIRAMADYAM KHALU DHARMA-SADHHANAM– the body is indeed the foremost essential thing for the attainment of the goal the human existence” Charaka Samhita says: “DHARMATHA-KAMA-MOKSHANAM AROGYAM MOOLAMUTTAMAM; ROGASTASYA-APAAHARTARAH SREYASO JIVITASYA CHA – health is the best cause of virtue, wealth desire and emancipation and is the blessedness of life.diseases are the destroyers of health, prosperity and life”. The lows for the preservation of health should receive you foremost and first consideration. The laws of health and the laws of nature cannot be violated with impunity. Those who neglect these laws become victims to incurable diseases and drag a cheerless existence.
The world needs good healthy boys and girls and strong men and women. What do we find these days in India? India, the land which produced Bhisma, Bhima, Arjuna, Drona, Aswathamma, Kripa, Parasurama and countless other chivalrous warriors, the soil which contained numberless chiefs or undaunted intrepidity, unparalleled chivalry, and matchless strength, now abounds in effeminate impotent weakling. Children beget children.
Importantce of Kalari training in Sports and Games
The muscles of the legs are the largest and most powerful in the entire body. In all games and sports, the legs play an important role. An athlete, Volleyball player, golfer, Discus thrower, shot-putter, and boxer all begin their respective movements with a powerful leg drive. The legs have another quality besides great strength. They are also capable of great endurance. They are capable of moving up to a ton of weight; the legs are also designed to carry long distances without tiring. A person with good condition of the legs can walk for weeks through terrain and run for 100 Km. No other muscle of the body can deliver this quality of great strength and great endurance.
The muscle of the thigh quadriceps, hamstring, adductors the muscles of the lower leg gastroenemius, soleus, tibialis, anterior and peroneus longus and brevis are the most massive and important muscle group in the body and proportionately constitute almost half of physique. There for training the legs for games and sports is so demanding that
Conditioning is an important factor. To condition the legs the ‘Ankasadakam’ of kalarippayat is more efficient. Lifting and swinging the legs in different direction, which able to strengthen the leg muscles. Rigorous leg training helps for leg endurance and flexibility. Leg training also helps to control the body in ground.
Pakarchakal or Jumping exercise help to lift the body from the ground, which is more important for jumpers. It enables them to control the body in ground as well as in air. Jumping exercise help them to practice Hang style, hichkick, western role, and frosberry easily.
Maippayat or body control training is considered complete training for the body and mind. It is derived from the movement of animals; lots of dynamic movements are included in the training. Head to the foot of the body is working with internal organs while doing maippayat. The training is mostly concentrated on the spine of the body. So training stimulates all the part the body, which enable a trainer to attain lots of qualities: –Strength like an Elephant, Jumping ability like Rooter, Speed like the horse, Beauty of the body like Lion, courage like Tiger, Cat-Sensitivity, stamina – Fish, Flexibility-Snake. More than this quality trainer will gain self-confidence, development in the personality, and discipline to body & mind.
Hands are also important like legs, a volleyball player, hockey player, Badminton player; Javelin throwers need a powerful hand. Doing handwork the muscle of hands Deltoid, Biceps brachii, Tricep, Retinaculum and Extensors and flexors or wrist and finger will increase the strength and power. Hand movement is pointed to different part of the body helping the trainer to develop accuracy and control.
Chuvadukkal or imaginary fight contains lots of twist and turn of the body, so it a good agility exercise. Imagination of this training also helps the trainer to develop creativity during playtime and to create Tactics and strategies against opponent. Legs, hands and eye co-ordination are very necessary for all sports and games.
The reflect action will be improved through the Verum Kai or bare hand fights. This is essential for players, athletes, swimmers, etc. Mental courage helps the player to develop their confidence during play situation and also to play safe game against opponent.
Weapon training improves the concentration, aggression and makes sharp and powerful eyes. Also help to improve courage, confidence, winning spirit, flexibility to the wrist etc.
Daily kalarippayat training improves the efficiency of vital organs. Proper breathing makes lungs to work more, same way heart capacity is also increased. Spine concentrated exercises help the nervous system to stimulate and make body function more efficient. This also improves intelligence, memory power, grasping capacity, etc.
Daily kalarippayat training is undergone under the watchful eyes of a Gurukkal or master. According to the master’s commands, the students are practicing Kalari. The rituals and regulations must be obeyed by the student. In this atmosphere, a student learns lots of other qualities like a good follower, obedience, love, respect, give and take policy, humanity, devotion, sincerity, handwork, etc. So it helps them to behave themself during game situations to teammates, opponents, referees, officials, and the audience.
The development of physical culture is an important part of the social-political-economical life. In physical culture, the strength of the mind is more important. The aim of Kalarippayatt is not only self-defense and offense, but also the strength of the mind through physical exercises. The strength of the mind is the strength of the body. It enables on the standup to challenges in life and disciplines both mind and body. So it helps to develop a better citizen for the nation.