Kalaripayattu Tradition


‘Oh Great Godess, Who protects the Kalari tradition, Long Life’

Kalarippayat is one of the oldest living traditions of Martial training, Physical culture and self defence method in the World. The Kalarippayat is derived from two words in Malayalam, Kalari and Payatt. Kalari means the place, where any particular art form is taught. Payatt literally means practice or exercise. In the present context it means in the traditional style of combat. It is the Martial Art form of Kerala, the Southern most state of INDIA.


Kerala is the beautiful piece of land in the Southern end of India, facing the Arabian Sea on the western side. Throughout history, it was famous for its spices. Culturally and socially it stands apart from all other Indian State. It is one of the thickly populated states in India. According to the 1991 census the population was 29,632,828. The density was also very high 2 747 per sq. km. While the land area is only 1.03% of the whole country. The total land area of the Kerala is only 38863 sq. kms.

Kalarippayat is the only form of the most ancient traditional systems of physical culture, self-defense and Martial techniques still in existence. The epic hero, LORD PARASURAMA [the incarnation of LORD VISHNU] retrieved Kerala from the sea.


Kalarippayattu is the oldest physical culture in the world.  Its root came from the Indian Warfare book ‘Dhanurveda’. Kalarippayattu is the vibrant, traditional martial art form of Kerala and is richly blended with its cultural heritage.  Kalarippayattu is the only physical culture having lots of dynamic movements.  This can be used as a warming up, conditioning method, health training, strain, and stress relieving training.  Kalarippayattu, is complete training for body & Mind.

The term Kalari is derived from the Sanskrit language Khaloorika. The term ‘Kalari’ denotes a gymnasium where proper training is imparted for the mind as well as muscle. ’Payattu’ literally means daily training or exercise.

The Rigorous Training

The training or the system has a metaphysical dimension as it was practised everywhere in Kerala. The ‘Kalari’ training is based on an elaborate system of physical exercises. The practical experience of the body movements strengthens the knowledge of a student. Constant practice adds to agility and strength. At the age of seven, the student is recruited for his training under a ‘Gurukkal’. Oil massage or ‘Uzhichil’ is an essential part of the training. The verbal commands of the ‘Gurukkal’ known as ‘Vayttari’ are obeyed and repeated to grasp the body movements. Each combination of step and gesture is known as ‘Adavu’. Each of them helps to recollect memory and leads to correct movements.

There are two styles of kalarippayat in Kerala. The Northern style Kalarippayat and Southern style Kalarippayat.  Northern style kalarippayat is divided into four sections.  The first  section is called Meythari- the physical fitness training, Kolthari- the training with wooden weapon, Ankathari-the training with metallic weapon, Verumkai- the bare hand fight and vital attack to the vulnerable points of the body.  The physical fitness training contains Ankasadakam or Leg conditioning, pakarchakalukkal or Jumping exercises and Meyppayat or Body control exercise.The Southern style kalarippayat is giving more importantce to Chuvadukkal.  Wooden, metallic weapons training and bare hand fight and vital attacks also included in southern style.

Leg Training -Angasathakam

The very basic training is called leg training.  This includes the several types of leg movements in different direction.  It helps the trainer to attain good physique, strength and flexibility to legs, discipline to body and mind. The balance of the whole body being on the feet, it requires ample exercises to maintain proper balance on the feet.

Jump Training –Pakarchakal

Pakarchakal or jumping exercise is the various jumps in the air.

Body Control Training – Maippayat

Meyppayat or Body control training is based on eight animal poses. Daily maippayat training helps a trainer to attain different qualities like strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, jumping- ability, grace, courage, discipline, self-confidence etc.

Hand Training Hastha sathakam

Hands training in Kalarippayat include different type of hand movements .it makes the hand powerful, gives control over the hand movements, flexibility to the wrist, strength and proper co-ordination.

Steps and Movement – Chuvadukkal

Chuvadukkal or imaginary fight, it is the movements of hand and leg with eye co-ordination help the student to achieve agility, intelligence, creativity, co-ordination and strength.

Bare Hand Verum kai

Verum kai or bare hand training, which include defence, locks, evasions, help the student to attain good reflex action, physique, safety, powerful hands and mental courage

Weapons – Ayudhagal

Wooden and metallic weapons training include short and long sticks, dagger, sword, shield, spear, mace and knife. It helps the student to gain mental courage, confidence, concentration, physique, and aggression

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